3 easy ways to make your salon website a money-making machine


Your website is like the living room of your salon. You might have a superb location, incredible staff, and do the best damn balayage in the whole city, but if it looks like garbage you WILL get judged for it and you WILL lose clients. I know that it's one of those "we'll get to it one day" things because everything takes so long. But actually, it doesn't have to.

Here are 3 quick things you can do to your salon website today that will help increase your bookings, engagement, and brand value.

1) Make sure all the buttons and fonts on your website match your brand


Why it matters: People have very strong associations with colours. In fact, 85% of people say that colour is the primary factor in their purchasing decisions.Your website needs to reinforce a brand that is strong, and button and text colours do just that. Just look at how Tiffany uses their signature blue and black on their website.     The same goes for fonts. Your salon's visual brand should also have 2-3 fonts that represent your personality, and these should play front and centre on your website.

How to do it: If you haven't already decided on your brand colours and fonts, check out our guide to salon branding. Then choose the strongest colour you have that stands out on your website, and make that your button colours. The second strongest colour can be accenting (like a background or title colour).  

2) If you prefer appointment booking over the phone, make your phone number clickable and button-like


Why it matters: More than 60% of Google searches are now from mobile, and there is pretty good chance that people who visit your website are interested in booking an appointment and wanted to know more about your business. Make sure your visitors can just click and call to book an appointment, like Salon Bliss does on their website:  

How to do it: Make sure that your phone number is written in a form that your phone recognizes as a clickable number and it looks like a nice clickable button. Ask your web designer to do this for you (it's pretty simple) or follow this guide for Wordpress.  

3) Add in a limited-time offer to get their email addresses


Why it matters: The vast majority of the people who visit your website will scroll around, look at some pages and then leave, without you ever hearing from them again. You can ensure that you maintain contact with website visitors and eventually turn them into clients, as long as you get their email address. Just see how Top Shop gives you a ton of advantages for signing up for their mailing list:  

How to do it: Choose an offer that's too good to refuse (even just a 10% discount for Mothers Day, for example) and install a pop-up on your website with Sumo List Builder which is super easy to use. Just make sure that you have an email process in place to send the offer and follow up with the person afterwards.  

Now get out there and make your website shine bright!

  These are three ways that take just a few minutes, but are guaranteed to make your salon's website even more beautiful and effective.