5 marketing trends to grow your beauty business in 2020

I never used to be that person. I would fly by the seat of my pants in my business, and at a maximum I was looking at what would happen next week.

But since I've gotten organized, I'm planning things out like 6 months in advance. I know, it's insane.

So have you started to make plans for 2020 in your business?

I'm asking because last week I did a killer workshop about the 5 marketing trends your beauty business needs to embrace in 2020.

If you want to plan your promotions, social media, advertising, and growth for next year, I think you'll want to watch this training!

Some highlights from the workshop...

  •  7:00 - Why "polished and perfect" shouldn't be your vibe on social media anymore, and what to do instead

  •  35:18 - The videos that are going to make your followers book with you

  •  59:30 - What's changed about Facebook and Instagram ads, and how to get them to finally work for you (no more wasting money on boosted posts!)

  •  1:10:45 - Where I'm going to be doubling down on my marketing in 2020 for my biggest year yet

I'd love if you could drop into the comments and tell me your plans for next year! I read every single comment and they always make me smile.